A mobile wallet for government verified IDs.
“We’re really excited about the idea that, someday, you’ll be able to rely on your Mobile Passport account and facial recognition as your ID across almost any ID transaction, whether it’s buying a case of beer or checking into a hotel or opening a bank account.“Hans Miller, Chief Strategy Officer Airside Mobile Inc.

Immigrating by mobile phone was the starting point for what is now a use case to our bigger vision: A mobile wallet for government verified IDs with key use cases.
Over 4 million users have already turned to Mobile Passport to make their travel experience faster, easier and better. That’s digital ID applied.
8M+ users
are saving time
We met Hans and Adam in 2009 in Sunnyvale California at Plug and Play Tech Center and it was basically love at first sight.
Same values, same humor and there was trust right from the beginning. In retrospect we probably weren’t aware how important that might become in the future. Airside is our longest and most intense project we have had until today. With Airside we always stayed true to our vision of revolutionizing the way we travel around the airport environment. But it was the idea of making the lengthy and cumbersome immigration process a breeze, that deserved our full attention and commitment.
And the idea for Mobile Passport was born. The division of work was obvious: Hans and Adam have an unrivaled track record within the airport security domain and the involved operations. mohemian had the expertise to translate the business requirements into product and technical requirements that met the highest standards of security, scalability as well as user experience.
2 cruise ports
Press and Prices
“It’s rare to find a government technology so efficientGeoffrey A. Fowler, The Wall Street Journal
it makes you do a little dance of joy.“